Jesus is the Hope of Glory

Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm A Murderder- and Still Loved (Special V Day Edition)

I must confess...  I am...  You see the sin that I hadn't even committed yet contributed to a
heinous crime.  You see, Jesus was made a public spectacle.  Embarrassed more than we will ever understand.  Tortured more than anyone should have to endure.  And was completely innocent.  Thats the thing... HE was innocent... But I wasn't.  I believe that Jesus loves me so much, that if it meant my freedom, he would have done it just for me.

Yes... love begets love...  Pay it forward kind of thing... Just like the saying goes, "Hurt people, hurt people", we should replace it- change our focus to "Love Begets Love"...  Because thats waaay better to focus on and meditate on than the hurt... Yes, we should deal with it, face it, overcome it.  But there is a love available that is indescribable...

Love begets love...

The more you receive, the more you should give it away... Take the time to learn what true love is... yes - our society has conditioned many to think that love is only about being in relationships, and being happy, and everything going your way... Kind of like a fairy tale...

But love is more than that.  Love is the ability to be PATIENT with others... Not just people you like. (i feel like i just cussed).  Yes, be patient with people that you DON'T like.  Love is KIND- that means being NICE to people... (just cussed again).  Love does not ENVY... Wanting what others have, and willing to do what is necessary to get it, or make them feel some kind of way because you don't have what they have.  I've done that before.  Treat certain people bad because they had something I wanted- money, relationships, friends, size, looks, position, family... the list goes on and on... (THANK GOD FOR DELIVERANCE)... I know now that what God has for me, and if I was supposed to have it now, I WOULD!

 Love does not BOAST... love does not work hard to make others feel bad because it has something that others don't have.  Sometimes, thats why folk deal with envy, because others are throwing what they have up in their face.  NOW- let me get this straight, there is a difference in being a testimony to HELP someone, and bragging.  Bragging is to make the person feel bad for not being where you are.  Because those things define the person bragging.  Thats honestly what its about...  Some testify of what God is doing to ENCOURAGE others that God can do it for them too... BIG difference... BIG.

Love is not PROUD...  We all know what pride is - it is that thing that makes you not listen to reason because you feel that your way is better... you know more, more experienced, higher position, or are just self- righteous...  You know pride- that thing that comes before destruction.  Because it speaks in a small voice, and tells us that what we think is better than what God says... You know pride- that thing that got Satan kicked out of heaven... we say, "oh, thats a bit extreme"- but don't forget- "God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble" James 4:6... feel like you just can't get a leg up?  Check your pride level...  Feel like you just can't partner with God and it work?  Check your pride level.  Do alot of people tell you that you don't listen?  You probably don't know it cause you never listen to them... LOL

Love is not SELF-SEEKING - selfish, my way, i'm not happy if its not my way, I want what I want NOW, no matter what, who it affects, or what happens... I don't care- I want it, because I want it.  Everything has to revolve around you, or you pitch a fit...  Yeah, you know who you are...

Love is NOT EASILY ANGERED... Whew... people gotta walk on egg shells around you cause you will get mad?  Thats not love- people are afraid of your reaction when they speak their mind, or say what they need, and you get livid?  Thats not love.  Thats an ANGER problem, and it needs to be dealt with...

Love...  wait for it.... KEEPS NO RECORD OF WRONG....

Yeah... it doesn't hold it... Thats not love... Goes back to the past two blogs about forgiveness...  A Heart That Forgives , and A Heart That Forgives Part 2... Click the link to read those...

Love does not DELIGHT IN EVIL... but REJOICES IN THE TRUTH....  If you get happy when bad stuff happens to others - you feel they deserve it, so on so forth - or when you gotta tell what happened to so in so, and you get a little buzz off of it... Check your love walk... Thats not love... not at all...

Love always PROTECTS, HOPES, TRUST, PERSEVERES,  - thats self explanatory... we are to protect each other, not throw each other under the bus... hope the best and hope the God in others will override all else.. and push through it... push through it... push through it...

LOVE NEVER FAILS.... really - love NEVER lets you down...  no other way to say it... not if its true love...

Love is pure, not tainted - so lets remember that God does all of these things for us.  He loved us so much that he allowed his son to be tortured and mistreated, rejected, despised, humiliated and murdered.


Thats love...

Happy Valentines Day

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