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A Bitter Pill |
Forgiveness is a bitter pill. Just like any other medicine we don't like - we take it to mend. The same with forgiveness. We do it to mend. Why are we talking about forgiveness? Well - Jesus clearly lets us know that if we don't forgive others, that our heavenly Father can't forgive us. Matthew 6:14 says
14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
You mean to tell me that I can be abused, mistreated, neglected, raped, robbed, family member murdered, tortured, kidnapped, bombed, lied on, swindled etc... and If I don't let that person go, release and FORGIVE them? Then GOD the almighty, the one who saw it all, who knew it would happen, the one who LET IT HAPPEN, won't forgive me????
I guess if we look at it all through God's eyes, no sin is greater than the next. Some sin may have a higher consequence or earthly punishment... But God looks at a man who conceives lust in his heart towards another woman as an adulterer - JUST AS MUCH - as the man who is in an adulterous affair.
Matthew 5:28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Theres a story in the bible that I love to read, but at the same time, its hard to take. I'm going to paraphrase the story in laymans language - you can read the bible story here. All the names of the characters are fictitious in order to protect the actual people... ((LOL)).
*notice the first line - The KINGDOM OF HEAVEN is like* (when you read the bible version)
Spongebob owed King Neptune about 10 grand. He didn't have it to pay, so he was going to have to give up his pineapple home, his pet- Gary the Snail, his job at the Krusty Krab and all that he owned to the King so it can be sold to pay the dept.
Spongebob pleaded... "Oh King Neptune, you are so wise and are full of wonders. My things are but dung to you. Please give me time to pay it back. I promise - I am the best fry cook in town, we can have that money in no time. Please don't take everything I have!"
King Neptune looked at Spongebob and knew that his heart was sincere, and had pity on him. So much so- that not only did he allow him to keep his things, but he CANCELLED HIS DEBT!!! What a gracious King!
Spongebob left the presence of the King full of joy because he knew there was no way for him to repay that debt!! He went home, and found his friend Patrick by the mailbox. He yells, "Hey Patrick! Where is that $10 you owe me eh?" Now, Patrick borrowed $10 dollars last week from Spongebob, and now the Sponge wanted it back. Patrick looks at Spongebob like a deer in headlights... Spongebob gets ANGRY... He starts to fussing and yelling and draws a crowd. The police show up- because Spongebob is threatening to choke Patrick out if he doesn't pay him back his money! Spongebob finally tells the police to throw Patrick in jail until he can repay the money! Patrick breaks down in tears and BEGS Spongebob...

King Neptune caught the word on the street that Spongebob had Patrick thrown in jail for $10 measly dollars!!! King Neptune was infuriated! He didn't understand how Spongebob's mind could conceive such a thing, when he had just been forgiven of such a large debt. 10 GRAND! King Neptune had Spongebob thrown in jail to be TORTURED, until he could REPAY THE DEBT!!!
(how can you pay something back when you are in prison and tortured??? selah)
Oh wait... then - at the end of the story- it says this scripture...
Matthew 18:35 “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.”
DAG! Yeah, I know my story probably made a couple of you giggle - especially if you know me, but it was the truth. Thats how the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN operates. Thats because no debt someone owes to us is ever bigger than the debt we owe to God...
No debt anyone owes to us, is BIGGER than the debt we owe to God....
No debt anyone owes to us, is BIGGER than the debt we owe to God....
God is not man... He doesn't weigh sin... Thats why Jesus stood in front of the lady who was caught in the act of the adultery, drawing in the sand, and said - "Oh hold up homies --- those of yall who are completely FLAWLESS - go ahead and throw that stone". He didn't say, those of you that have flaws or sins LESS than hers go ahead and tag her in the forehead with a rock.... Because Heaven doesn't weigh sin... thats what MAN does...
Now again, I must repeat... Don't think you are gonna go commit a crime, and go into court saying that no sin is greater than the next - so they need to let you go free- cause that boat will not float... LOL
Matthew 18:35 lets us know that we will be tortured in a sense until we forgive others from our heart. Thats how we will be treated---- Yo, I'm so not wanting to endure that. I mean, honestly, I'm looking back over my life - seeing things that I've prayed to be different, fasted to be different, worked hard at - just to see it not be successful... and could--- this--- be ---- why????
I so didn't even get to the whole pride thing... I haven't forgotten - we will go there- because obviously there are some layers we must work through... don't forget to comment - like the Facebook page- leave a wall post and let me know what you think, want to know more about- or want to see covered as far as this topic is concerned. Hey, I don't know it all - and honestly, I'm working through this MYSELF - that may be why it sounds so real...
Where did we leave off yesterday? oh yeah... PART 3 TOMORROW!! (part 3???- YEAH- part 3!))
awesome lesson needed it!