Seems pretty simple. John 10:10 says that the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy.
Okay, that we know...
Psalm 16:11 says that He has made known to us the path of life... and in His presence is the fulness of joy, and at His right hand are pleasures forever more...
I really like this chair. It is modern, it is fancy, its sheik. When I own my own home, I will have chairs like this in it. In the first scripture- it says that we are seated in heavenly places.... Imagine this is your chair in heaven.... Now the picture isn't so appealing... Why? In case you haven't caught on yet ((get in the spirit people!- LOL)) This isn't a good thing. If this is your seat in heavenly places, why is it empty?
Thats a good question. A question that we must ask ourselves. Sometimes life happens, and things change our reactions, our facial expressions, our interactions our attitude- and even our personality. One day you stop and you say.. "God, who am I?"...You may need to check your seat.
Its amazing how many people I talk to that feel like this. Alone - in the middle of no where. You know, I know it for a fact that there are seasons where God calls you to be alone. Shoot- some folk I know would rather be alone- LOL, and thats okay if thats how they roll. But it shouldn't be so abysmal. If you feel that you can get in front of people, and its time to minister- and you can just "turn it on", but when you get home, you crawl up in a ball and zone out... You need to check your seat...
There are many things that can take you out of your seat. Carnality, pride, unforgiveness, being judgmental, unconfessed sin... Being double minded. Getting in the middle of DRAMA. SMH! Getting-in-the-middle-of-drama. Taking on the burdens of others that you shouldn't take on, (thats called false responsibility) - Assumptions... If the person didn't tell you, and God didn't tell you- THEN YOU DON'T KNOW...
I'll say it again...
IF THE PERSON DIDN'T TELL YOU... AND GOD DIDN'T TELL YOU... THEN YOU DON'T KNOW! No need to assume what a person is thinking- ESPECIALLY when it makes you mad. Then you feel some kind of way towards that person, acting some kind of way, they feel this vibe from you - and then they start acting weird because you are acting weird- and no one just asks... "are we okay?"--- LOL
I did a couple of notes on unforgiveness... but i'll tell you the truth - you have to really watch it saints... and aint's. Because harboring unforgiveness will take you out of your SEAT... Now, its hard for me. Though people don't think so by looking at me on the outside- I am a very open person, I don't mind sharing my heart with people, if they need understanding, wisdom, or just a person to talk to- I'm pretty easy, because I don't judge people's stuff... I don't have that kind of authority. I discern stuff on folk, but I try and give them the "benefit of the doubt"... and It has gotten my butt in trouble - because I didn't set proper boundaries. Being the extremist that I am, I am now learning how to set boundaries with people. Because some folk want your heart just to walk on it - because they want your place. Some want your heart, but don't know what to do with it when they get it, so they abuse it... Some want your heart just so others can't have it. Some want your heart so they can use you. BUT- some want your heart- so they can love you... and give you theirs...
So on your Christian journey- learn boundaries. I was talking to one of my mentors the other night - she said, Tia- you don't have to open up your heart to everyone, especially those that have shown you they can't be trusted. Eh? I'm like - but- but- but- the bible says to love all, forgive all, and all that good mushy stuff... right? She was like it sure does - but at the same time, when someone shows you they want to be trusted, IF they harm you, or make a mistake - then if they REALLY LOVE YOU - they will ADMIT their mistake--- and and and and do what they can to clean up that mistake- Some people won't ever admit that what they did was not okay - you can love them, treat them with the utmost respect- but they clearly can't be trusted. Some may know they were wrong but have to much pride to fix their error- clearly, they can't be trusted. Both situations can lead you to be harmed again if you aren't careful. So set boundaries. Someone with dirty feet can come in your house chill in the living room with the wooden floors and you all laugh and talk and have dinner.... but they can't walk on the good white carpet unless they take their shoes off. But they must admit their shoes are dirty first... #imjustsayin
ANY-WHOOO! dag- that was way off topic- but I was supposed to write a blog about boundaries in forgiveness and never did- so there you go! LOL
So yes... These things will cause you to get out of your seat when you are to be seated in heavenly places... So come on people. Repent for those things, and reclaim your spot! Its some good stuff up there! You can hear clearer when you are in your seat, you can see clearer, you can make better decisions, because they aren't made out of your ISSUES... You can love easier... You have the fulness of joy, and pleasures ever more... I mean, of COURSE the devil wants to steal, kill, and destroy- and take us out of our SEAT!!!
Because he HATES you... You know how I know? Well- if you are a worshipper - you took HIS SEAT! And he REALLY hates you! So yes- everything that is possible to keep you from that place where the worship flows, the songs flow, the BLOGS FLOW, the articles flow, the poems flow, the ideas flow, the creativity flows, the designs flow, the love flows the plays flow... THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS when you are in your seat!
I know this... I was so out of place, I didn't write a blog for almost a month... Yeah I said it. I just had alot going on, ALOT - but the truth is- if I would have fought harder to stay in my seat- then I would have been alot more creative.
What did Curtis say from house of pain? "The devil thought he had me... ooooooooh but i ruuuuun..."... LOL
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Yeah, I'm back. Better, stronger, wiser, and walking it out with power and authority that can't be stopped. CAUSE I'M IN MY SEAT!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm not letting anyone or anything take me out of my seat... NOPE... not even you :)
Pray with me...
Lord, thank you for being my redeemer, my friend, my savior, and everything that I need. In you I live, move, and have my being. I admit that I need to get back in my seat. Back in heavenly places where I belong. There is so much freedom in your presence. So much creativity and so much joy. I want to be restored God. Back where I belong. Thank you God for the prodigal son being redeemed back to his father wholly and receiving what was rightfully his. Thank you that though I haven't backslidden- I haven't been in the place where I belong- and that I can come to you, and be restored. I love you for all that you are, and for how you continuously make a way, even when i'm out of place. I will continue to strive for my place in you- to be who you called me to be- at all cost. Thank you for restoration.
In Jesus Name,
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Be free to be happy, even if its a season of being alone. |